Paper 1 (PDF, 28 KB)
Flex Benefit Plans a Win-Win for Taxpayers and Employees
Flexible benefit (cafeteria) plans for government employees help
those employees meet rising health and child care costs while reducing
federal income tax bills.
Paper 2 (PDF, 31 KB)
Municipal Government Survey Presents Possibilities and Pathways
to More Efficient, Less Costly Government
New Jersey municipal governments have successful experience with
privatization (outsourcing) and service sharing.
Paper 3 (PDF, 32 KB)
Improving Government Revenue-Collection Techniques Provides
Big Benefits
State and local governments can increase revenue collections by
tens of millions of dollars annually without imposing new taxes
by using consumer friendly, private sector, revenue-collection techniques.
Paper 4 (PDF, 32 KB)
Governments Can Use PE Methods to Help Balance Budgets
Public Entrepreneurship (PE) enables governments to use their assets
to bring in new revenues without raising taxes.
Paper 5 (PDF, 33 KB)
New Jersey's Local Procurement Laws Need Reform
Reforming New Jersey's local procurement laws will improve government
efficiency, encourage innovation, and save taxpayer dollars.
Paper 6 (PDF, 40 KB)
Survey of New Jersey Residents Finds Strong Support for
An NJPRO survey of New Jersey residents finds strong support among
New Jersey residents for the concept of privatization and for the
actual privatization of certain government services.
Paper 7 (PDF, 35 KB)
Private and Public Land Preservation Efforts Are Complementary
New Jersey State government's goal of preserving one million acres
of land will require substantial private-sector participation. In
this case study, individual financial contributions and tax-advantaged
donations reduced by nearly half the public cost of preserving a
tract of rural land in central New Jersey. This shows that private
efforts can plan an important role in open space and farmland preservations.
Paper 8 (PDF, 34 KB)
Brownfields Focus Makes Idle Urban Sites an Investment Opportunity
A survey of New Jersey municipal tax assessors indicates that brownfields
(abandoned, contaminated industrial sites) are more prevalent and
have more widespread economic impacts than previously believed.
Brownfields redevelopment is a critical component of any urban development